01/17/2018Mohawk Alien
A Mohawk Alien is a coil that is mainly for looks, it has no real vaping purpose other than to test your abilities and to take a good picture. It is a complex build that gets its name from the way the alien makes a Mohawk when you clapton it. I myself like doing these from time to time just to brush up on builds. Its a very cool coil to build when you want to play around with wire and it makes for some great pictures.
When you go to build this coil, you will follow the same exact steps as an alien but instead of stretching your wire into a loose corkscrew, you will leave it fairly tight and then clapton it around your 3 cores. I will say that this is one of the more frustrating coil builds that i have done because it is such a fragile build. most of the time the coil doesnt mess up when you make it, but more so when you actually try to coil it. So be patient and when you finally get it right, make sure to document it because it is one amazing looking build!
Difficulty: | Advanced |
Wire Type: | Stainless Steel |
Vape Type: | Flavor |
Temperature: | Cold |
Device Type: | Regulated |